
普通 第 8 年
  • 产品价格: 面议
  • 最小起订: 1 台
  • 供货总量: 10 台
  • 所 在 地: 德国
  • 联 系 人: 黄萍 先生
  • 有效期至: 2017/4/16
经营模式:生产型 |
  • 电 话:86 021 69576008 8536
  • 传 真:86 021 69576036
  • 地 址:上海市嘉定区嘉安公路3136号
  • 手 机:15921059882
  • QQ号码:231397159
产品属性:   品牌: 耐驰      规格型号: s-JET      

s-JET? — 干法研磨技术的里程碑


This innovative steam jet mill is capable of fine grinding all kinds of dry products with any hardness and virtually no contamination.

Through this specialized milling concept, product grinding is entirely autogenous. Steam jets alone create the grinding energy. No tool wear occurs!

An integrated dynamic air classifier in the housing can be infinitely adjusted to the desired fineness.

This guarantees exact adjustment of the grinding parameters and reproducible product quality.

Even the hardest of products poses no problem for this machine. In addition, moist products can be ground and dried simultaneously without any additional pre-drying process for inlet.


NETZSCH-CONDUX全新研发的 s-JET?系统是气流磨领域里的一项里程碑技术,通过该系统,我们成功地将干法研磨可企及的细度极限延伸到了亚微米级(d50<1um)。

在s-JET?中 通过超高温蒸汽的能量作用于研磨物料,与传统压缩空气 相比,对颗粒的冲击力甚至可达4倍以上, 大大提高了研磨的细度。另一方面,在蒸汽环境中,分级轮可以达到的切割点较之压缩空气更小,从而使得更精细的分级成为了可能。由于在超高温状态下,蒸汽完 全是干燥的状态,不会对物料带来额外的水分。



?Highest grinding fineness (< 1 micron by dry grinding)

?Up to double throughput capacity (compared to air)

?Considerably higher efficiency

?Development of new products & applications

?Processing of sticky products

?Optimal product performance

?Highest product purity

?Steep particle size distribution

?Low contamination grinding

?Simultaneous grinding and drying of moist products

?Using superheated steam for the ultra-fine grinding of soft to hard materials in a fluid bed

?Exactly defined maximum particle size through integrated dynamic air classifier

?Vortex free fines outlet with expansion chamber to reduce circumferential speed and wear as well as buildup of residues

?Classifier wheel with exchangeable, simultaneously rotating immersion tube to achieve highest finenesses, unlimited adjustment

?Gap between classifier wheel and fines outlet rinsed by gas for highest possible prevention of coarse grains

?Classifier shaft seal rinsed by compressed gas to protect the bearings

?Entirely autogenous grinding - no tool wear - no contamination

?Highest finenesses and maximum throughput achievable with just one classifier wheel

?Hinged classifier head provides good access for fast and easy cleaning and maintenance

?Reproducible results




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