罗地亚的Eolys Powerflex™荣获 Pierre Potier 奖

http://www.soutuliao.com  时间:2011/7/20  来源:全球有机硅网

罗地亚的Eolys Powerflex™荣获 Pierre Potier 奖

Paris, July 7, 2011 ---- Rhodia today received the 2011 Pierre Potier Prize for “innovation in chemistry supporting sustainable development” * for Eolys PowerflexTM, a catalytic additive for particulate filters already used by 1.5 million diesel-powered vehicles in Europe. This prize was presented today to Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, Chairman and CEO of Rhodia, by Eric Besson, Minister of Industry in the French government.
To help carmakers reduce the environmental impact of their vehicles, Rhodia launched Eolys PowerflexTM in December 2009. When added to the diesel (or biodiesel) fuel, it enables the particulate filter to function effectively and reliably. This technology makes it possible to eliminate more than 99% of the carbon soot released by diesel-driven vehicles.
This latest addition to Rhodia’s range of catalytic additives is used in conjunction with a detergent to ensure optimal engine performance, notably in the presence of biofuel. The engine’s efficiency is maintained throughout the life of the vehicle and the CO2 emissions produced during the regeneration of the filter are reduced by a factor of 4%.
This additive is manufactured in Rhodia’s La Rochelle facility using a renewable raw material of natural origin. The production process used makes it possible to reduce energy consumption by a total of 35% and to recycle all the different co-products.
* An initiative of the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry in association with the French Federation of the Chemical Sciences (FFC) and the Union of Chemical Industries (UIC), this scientific and technological prize is presented every year to chemical manufacturers who engage in innovation to support sustainable development. The selection panel is jointly chaired by Yves Chauvin, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2005, and Professor Armand Lattes.
Rhodia is an international chemical company resolutely committed to sustainable development. As a leader in its businesses, the Group aims to improve its customers’ performance through the pursuit of operational excellence and its ability to innovate. Structured around 11 Global Business Units (GBUs) within 5 business clusters, Rhodia is the partner of major players in the automotive, electronics, flavors and fragrances, health, personal and home care markets, consumer goods and industrial markets. The Group employs around 14 000 people worldwide and generated sales of €5.23 billion in 2010. Rhodia is listed on Euronext Paris.
Media Relations
Lamia Narcisse       +33 (0)1 53 56 59 62 lamia.narcisse@eu.rhodia.com
Investor Relations
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